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One basic style to stay in touch

Our best practices provide guidance on how to create newsletters for Henkel using a basic yet recognizable style.

In this section, you will find information on how to use and create a newsletter. We opted for a standardized preheader and footer, so selecting different designs for them is not an option.


Basic composition

The newsletter is designed to be very simple, consisting of only a few modules that can be omitted as needed. The template is an MSG file, essentially a saved Outlook message, which means it is limited in design and variation. Therefore, for the content of the newsletter, Calibri is used as a font instead of Segoe UI, as an exception, while the header continues to utilize Henkel GT Flexa. The images in each element can be changed, as well as the order of the elements.



Our newsletter features a 3:1 header to allow space for informative articles. Consistency in text and image placement is crucial for maintaining this layout. The text must always be written in our Henkel GT Flexa, and it must be centrally aligned. The image should not exceed the size specified in the template. To ensure observance of the guidelines, please download the header template provided in the download section.




This guideline shall serve as a design-guideline only and does not provide for any legal guidance.

Please note that the footer area for external newsletters usually must contain mandatory legal information, depending on the specific use case. Please always follow the legal guidance provided by the legal department.


Footer design example



Do not change colors in the preheader, header or footer.
Do not change the size of the text, the line spacing or the font.


Tips & Tricks

Formatting options in HTML emails with Outlook are limited. Stick to the formats provided in the template. While you can delete and add rows, avoid altering the table structure by splitting or merging cells as it can cause confusion for the recipient if the table becomes too complex. Keep an eye on file sizes so as not to exceed the maximum email size. If your newsletter is becoming too cluttered, compare your version with a a new, unedited file.

The best option is to activate (1) Format Text, (2) Paragraph Marks and (3) Grid Lines for a better overview of the structure.
The spaces between the blocks cannot be achieved by paragraph spacing. Instead, empty lines with font size 36 are used for the spaces, as well as for the top and bottom margins of the colored blocks, where the spaces are font size 22. Please refrain from adjusting table or line spacing and from setting line heights. Instead, use spaces with the appropriate font size to determine the line height.



Information for external users:

To receive the newsletter templates, you first have to register for our Brand Hub download portal. Please see the instructions on how to complete the registration. After registration you will receive a confirmation that your access has been activated and you will be able to download the templates.

For Henkel employees, no separate registration is necessary. You will be automatically directed to the download page via Henkel MyID.