Pictograms support our brand design. They are clear and functional in their design and thus can be easily understood.
In this section, you will find the following information:
The pictograms are developed based on four key shapes: Square, circle, rectangle in portrait format and rectangle in landscape format. This guarantees uniform sizes for basic shapes and proportions in the design.
Rectangle in landscape format
Rectangle in portrait format
To ensure that our pictograms always follow the same visual rules, they are based on a number of parameters:
Mix different angles when designing the pictograms.
We use harmonious proportions, whenever pictograms and typography are combined.
The width of the icon and its bounding box is equal to the size of the font. The distance between the pictogram and the text is always: 1/2 width.
Information for external users:
To receive the pictograms basic set, you first have to register for our Brand Hub download portal. Please see the instructions on how to complete the registration. After registration you will receive a confirmation that your access has been activated and you will be able to download the pictograms.
For Henkel employees, no separate registration is necessary. You will be automatically directed to the download page via Henkel MyID or you also get our pictograms selection in the Power Point template (to find on the starting page of Power Point under the tab "New").