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Get ready to write with these basic rules for grammar, semantics, trademarks, SEO and formatting

In order to consistently communicate on Henkel Adhesive Technologies, we rely on some basic rules for writing. Consistently creating engaging content is only possible when we follow a common best practice for how to do things with intellectual property, words, digits, punctuation, SEO, and other areas.

Trademark notice symbols (® and ™)


Different countries have different rules regarding trademark symbols: in some countries, it is illegal (and in a few countries, criminal) to use the ® symbol if the mark is not registered in that country; in others, we cannot use the TM symbol unless we have a pending application in that country. In the US, notice of trademark rights is required in order to obtain damages in an infringement suit. But in other countries (such as Germany), there is no legal benefit. Other countries fall somewhere in between. In China it is illegal to use the ® symbol if the mark is not registered in China. Registered trademarks are protected by Chinese laws.

® symbol

A. For products and materials distributed only in the US, the ® symbol should be used with ALL marks that are registered (not just pending) in the US. If you are unsure if a particular mark is currently registered, please contact the TM Department.

B. For non-US and global products and materials:

  • We know that LOCTITE® AQUENCE®, BONDERITE®, TECHNOMELT® and TEROSON® are registered in the countries in which we do business. Therefore, we always use the ® symbol with these marks. 
  • This refers to PRITT® and PATTEX® for non-US purposes as well. For US use please contact the TM Department.
  • For all other trademarks, we say: “以上使用的所有标志均为汉高及其在美国、德国和其他国家/地区附属公司的商标和/或注册商标。”

™ symbol

  • As a general rule, we do NOT use the ™ symbol. 
  • The sole exception is in the US only, where we traditionally add the ™ symbol next to the LOCTITE product numbers (for example, LOCTITE® 690™). Note, however, that certain product numbers (namely, 242 and 404) are ALSO registered trademarks, so should get the ® instead of the ™. 

How to use

1. ® symbol should be used in:

  • headlines, titles, and other prominent uses, and
  • the first time the trademark is used in normal text

2. All trademarks should be shown in a way that distinguishes them from the surrounding text – usually in ALL CAPS, but italics or a different font or color would also be okay.



Loctite 螺纹锁固剂

3. Use descriptors. Brand names should always be used as adjectives, not nouns. To avoid the mark losing its distinctiveness, always use a descriptor (e.g., LOCTITE 粘合剂). No plurals – Instead, use the brand with a plural descriptor afterward, and do not make the trademark itself plural.


GAP PAD 热界面材料



4. Trademarks should refer to the product, not the business. 

Don't: “LOCTITE 的设备……”or “LOCTITE 的胶水产品组合。”
Do: “LOCTITE 品牌设备”or “汉高 LOCTITE 胶水产品组合”

3rd party brands

Always check with the TM Department before using another company’s trademarks - particularly those of our customers and competitors. You need to be sure we are actually referring to a 3rd party’s product rather than our own, and that the use will not open us up to liability. Also, there may be specific contractual requirements we have to meet with respect to disclosure or TM usage.

“Henkel” vs “Henkel Adhesive Technologies” vs “HAT” vs “us/we”

Use “Henkel” only to explicitly refer to the Henkel company with all its businesses (i.e., not only the adhesives’ business).

Do: “汉高成立于 1876 年”
Don't: “汉高粘合剂技术公司成立于 1876 年”
Do: “汉高粘合剂技术公司提供复杂应用所需的可靠性和可加工性,实现创新设计,助力响应迅速、功能丰富的智能移动设备”
Don't: “汉高提供复杂应用所需的可靠性和可加工性,实现创新设计,助力响应迅速、功能丰富的智能移动设备”

Use “Henkel” [“汉高”] only to explicitly refer to the Henkel company with all its businesses (i.e., not only the adhesives’ business).

Do: “汉高粘合剂技术公司是 ……”
Don't: “汉高多项粘合剂技术公司是 ……”

Don’t use the abbreviation “HAT”: only use “Henkel Adhesive Technologies” [“汉高粘合剂技术公司”]

Do: “汉高粘合剂技术公司是 ……”
Don't: “HAT ……”

Use “Henkel Adhesive Technologies” [“汉高粘合剂技术公司”] in the 1st mention, then turn to “我们”

Do: “汉高粘合剂技术公司是 ……。我们进行 ……”
Don't: “汉高粘合剂技术公司是 ……。汉高粘合剂技术公司进行 ……”


a. Abbreviations and acronyms

If there’s a chance your reader won’t recognize an abbreviation or acronym, spell it out the first time you mention it. Then use the short version for all other references. If the abbreviation isn’t clearly related to the full version, specify it in parentheses.

  • First use: 技术数据表 (TDS)
  • Second use: TDS
  • First use: 压敏粘合剂 (PSA)
  • Second use: PSA

If the abbreviation or acronym is well known, like API or HTML, use it instead and don’t worry about spelling it out.

Never use the acronym “HAT”. 

b. Ellipsis

Don’t use ellipsis …… for emphasis or drama. It’s ok, though, to use ellipsis in brackets to show that you’re omitting words in a quote:

汉高粘合剂技术公司执行副总裁 Jan-Dirk Auris 表示:“我们最高水准的松岛工厂开业……对我们在全球拥有高影响力解决方案的广大电子行业客户群来说……是一个里程碑。”

c. Bold

We don’t use bold to amplify a certain message in regular body copy. For that purpose, you should take a step back and re-write your messaging to make it more engaging.

However, using typography as visual support for messaging in headlines is a central part of our branding efforts. Read on for more information about usage of typography.

d. Pronouns

If your subject’s gender is unknown or irrelevant, use “他们”, and “他们的” as a single pronoun. Use “他/他的” and “她/她的” pronouns as appropriate. Don’t use “某人” as a pronoun.

e. &

“&” cannot be used to replace “和” (unless it is the official name of a brand).

Do: 维护和维修
Don't: 维护 & 维修


a. Numbers

In general, spell out numbers one through nine and use numerals for numbers larger than that.

Do: 今天我们推出了三款粘合剂
Do: 今天我们推出了 12 款粘合剂

However, since our writing can be technical, we may need to break this rule. If you come upon a case where you have two related numbers in the same sentence, you should write them both as numerals if you would write one as a numeral. The idea is to write them the same way when they are in the same sentence.

So even though you would normally write “今天,我们推出了三款粘合剂”, you should actually go with numbers in this case: “今天,我们推出了 3 款能够拉动 11 吨重火车的粘合剂”.

b. Dates

In general, we spell out dates to avoid any confusion among countries that order them differently. So: Use the appropriate date arrangement for the country you’re writing for. Even if you order a date improperly, spelling out the month provides clarity to the user so that it won’t be misinterpreted.

Do: 2023 年 1 月 24 日

c. Temperature

Use the degree symbol and the capital F abbreviation for Fahrenheit or capital C for Celsius:

Do: 200° F
Do: 200° C

d. Telephone numbers

Use dashes without spaces between numbers. Always use a country code:

Do: +1-404-123-4569

e. Decimals and fractions

Spell out amounts less than one, using hyphens between the words.

Do: 三分之二
Don't: 2/3

Use decimal points when a number can’t be easily written out as a fraction, like 1.375 or 47.2. This is a general rule that doesn’t apply to technical documentation.

f. Percentage

Use figures and the % symbol, no space in between. (E.g., 25%)

g. Money

For numeric amounts, do not us the symbol for currencies (e.g., €5, £2,000, $10,000) and indicate currency by expressing it in Chinese (e.g., 美元for $).

Use the currency symbol and decimal/comma system for larger amounts. For amounts exceeding $1 million, use numerals up to two decimal places. As in:“它价值 445 万美元。”

h. Time

Use numerals and a.m. (上午) or p.m. (下午) with a space in between. Do not use minutes for on-the-hour time."

Do: 上午 7:00
Do: 下午 7:30

Use a hyphen between times to indicate a time period. If a time period is entirely in the morning or evening, use a.m. or p.m. only once.

Do: 上午 7:00 – 下午10:30 (morning and evening)
Do: 上午7:00 – 10:30 (only morning)

Always specify time zones.


a. Colons

Use a colon (rather than an ellipsis, em dash, or comma) to offset a list. As in:

“正如 2021 年所述,LOCTITE 已在 ETEC Envision One 打印机上验证多种材料,包括:LOCTITE 3D 3955 HDT280 FST、LOCTITE 3D IND406 HDT100 High Elongation 和LOCTITE 3D IND402 A70 High Rebound。”

b. Periods

Titles, subtitles, headers and CTA buttons should end without a period. 

Periods go inside quotation marks. 

They go outside parentheses when the parenthetical is part of a larger sentence, and inside the parentheses when the parenthetical stands alone.

Do: “基于他们出色的解决问题的理念,我们期待消除塑料垃圾并对环境产生积极影响。”
Do: “基于他们出色的解决问题的理念,我们期待消除塑料垃圾(并同时对环境产生积极影响)。”
Do: “基于他们出色的解决问题的理念,我们期待消除塑料垃圾。(当然,对环境产生积极影响是另一个益处。)”

c. Question marks

Question marks go inside quotation marks if they’re part of the quote. Like periods, they go outside parentheses when the parenthetical is part of a larger sentence, and inside the parentheses when the parenthetical stands alone.

d. Quotation marks

Use quotation marks to refer to words and letters, titles of short works (like articles), and direct quotations.

Periods and commas go within quotation marks. Question marks within quotes follow logic—if the question mark is part of the quotation, it goes within. If you’re asking a question that ends with a quote, it goes outside the quote. Use single quotation marks for quotes within quotes.

Do: CEO 说:“这是我们公司历史上最大的一笔投资。”
Do: 副总裁说:“你知道他们是怎么说的吗?‘开拓者就是那些勇气前行,踏上无人涉足之地的人’。”

e. Dashes & hyphens

Use an em dash (——) without spaces on either side to offset an aside. Use a true em dash, not hyphens.

Do: 为了减少故障并优化生产——这应该始终是一个目标,为什么不从机械卡扣式连接转换为快速固化粘合解决方案呢?
Do: 潜在的解决方案需要是快速固化——不能失败。

f. Exclamation marks

Use exclamation points sparingly, and never more than once at a time. They’re like high-fives: A well-timed one is great, but too many are annoying.

Exclamation points go inside quotation marks. Like periods and question marks, they go outside parentheses when the parenthetical is part of a larger sentence, and inside parentheses when the parenthetical stands alone.

Never use exclamation points in failure messages or alerts. When in doubt, avoid it.

Use an em dash (—) without spaces on either side to offset an aside. Use a true em dash, not hyphens.

g. Bullet points

Choose formatting based on the average length of the majority of bullet points in the list.

  • CASE A) If sentences, end each one with a period (full stop).
  • CASE B) If just one word, a few words or fragments, use no end punctuation.


a. URL naming

  • Keep URLs as simple and accurate as possible.
  • Keep URLs short and clear. 
  • Include target keyword(s). 
  • Use hyphens to separate words. 
  • Use lower case letters. 
  • Avoid numbers.

b. Page title

  • Include target keyword(s) in the beginning of the title. 
  • Use active language (CTA/Feature). 
  • Use the brand name. 
  • Use how, what, why and where. 
  • Use words that trigger an emotion from the user. 
  • Keep length between 55-65 characters. 
  • Keep consistency between SEO title and page content.
  • Use a unique SEO title for each page.
  • Avoid ALL CAPS in SEO titles.

c. Meta description

  • Create a unique meta description, for each page, that summarizes the page content. 
  • Include target keyword(s). 
  • Include CTA and brand name. 
  • Keep the length less than 155 characters.

d. Image filename and alt text

  • Make image filename short and without spaces and dashes. 
  • Describe the image with a maximum of 125 characters. 
  • Select image alt text that reflects the image and keywords. 
  • Make image filename short and descriptive. Use only hyphens to separate words.
  • Assign for each image a unique filename.
  • Use unique images.
  • Include for each images a specific alt text.
  • Write a descriptive alt text (imagine having to describe the photo to a blind person).
  • Keep the alt text length up to 100 characters.

e. Header tags

  • If possible, include the target keyword in the H1 tag and secondary in H2 tag. 
  • Only include one H1 tag on the webpage, and it must be placed above any other heading tag. 
  • If using page H1 as SEO title, make sure to adapt it using active language when possible.

f. Links

1) Use descriptive keywords in anchor text. Anchor text is “descriptive” if it includes the exact match of the keyword you are targeting. For example: “探索我们的螺纹锁固解决方案” links to a page about threadlocking solution.

2) Use natural and relevant links

3) Type of links: in text vs buttons vs teasers vs images

  • Use links in buttons + teasers-links according to page-types’ and modules’ designs stated in the Website guidelines (Brand-Hub)

  • On top of the above, also use text-links – when natural – to help users and Google navigate the website at best   

  • Do not link images

4) How many text-links:

  • do it, but not overdo it

  • less than 1 every 200 words

  • only when helpful for users, you can go above the limit of 5 per page

  • • in the same page, do not iterate the same text-link (e.g., if in the same page you mention in text 3 times “螺纹锁固解决方案”, hyperlink “螺纹锁固解决方案” only once)

5) Same vs new tab:

a) open internal links in the same tab

b) open external links in a new tab

6) Follow or no-follow links:

  1. internal links: always "follow"

  2. external links: always check that the domain we link to is trustworthy. If not sure, “no-follow”

g. Body copy

  • Cover different angles on the topic. 
  • Include branded and/or target keyword(s) within the first 100 words. 
  • Keep reuse of content to a minimum to avoid duplicate content. 
  • Include secondary and other long-tail keywords. 
  • Avoid keyword stuffing – you are writing to the user and not to a search engine.
  • Content should match the user’s search intentions and be as in-depth and clarifying as possible


a. URLs

Capitalize the names of websites and web publications. Don’t italicize.

Avoid spelling out URLs, but when you need to, leave out http://www.

Don’t: Next-Henkel-Adhesives.Com

b. File extensions

When referring generally to a file extension type, use all uppercase without a period. Add a lowercase to make plural. As in: GIF, PDF, HTML, JPGs.

When referring to a specific file, the filename should be lowercase. As in: press_release_1.gif

c. Names and titles

The first time you mention a person in writing, refer to them by their first and last names. On all other mentions, refer to them by their first name.

Titles should be expressed in Chinese unless there are specific instructions to express them in English.

Do: 执行副总裁 Jan-Dirk Auris
Do: Simone Bagel-Trah 和 Michael Kaschke 博士

d. States, Cities and Countries

Spell out city and state names. Don’t abbreviate city names.

All cities outside China should be accompanied by their country (and state, in the case of cities in the United States of America), as they may not be widely recognized.

On first mention of a country, write out the full name. On second mention, the commonly accepted abbreviation is fine (欧盟,EU;英国,UK, etc.).

e. Schools

The first time you mention a school, college, or university in a piece of writing, refer to it by its full official name. On all other mentions, use its more common abbreviation.

Do: 杜塞尔多夫海因里希·海涅大学,HHU
Do: 麻省理工学院,MIT